As a reminder, the Office of Emergency Management is scheduled to conduct the monthly Outdoor Warning System test tomorrow, March 7, 2012, at noon and will last approximately 30 seconds. If inclement weather is present at test time, the audible test will be cancelled to prevent any confusion.
Please remember the purpose of these sirens is to move citizens indoors to seek shelter and seek information in case of an emergency. Thus, you may not be able to hear the sirens from within your home or business.
For additional information regarding the siren system including test schedule, siren location map and steps you can take to protect yourself and your family during an actual emergency, please visit or contact the Office of Emergency Management at or 972-744-4215.
Matthew Garrett, CEM
Asst. Emergency Management Coordinator
City of Richardson
140 N. Greenville Ave.
Richardson, Texas 75081
Bus: 972-744-4216
Cell: 214-725-4865